Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Businesses and organizations Essay
â€Å"Businesses and organizations use various types of information systems to support the many processes needed to carry out their business functions. Each of these information systems has a particular purpose or focus, and each has a life of its own. This â€Å"life of its own†concept is called the systems development life cycle or SDLC, and it includes the entire process of planning, building, deploying, using, updating, and maintaining an information system. The development of a new information system involves several different, but related activities. These activities, or phases, usually include planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance/support. In other words, SDLC is a conceptual model that guides project management in information system development.†(Wikibooks) The life cycle starts with preliminary investigation which all the available information needed for the system elements and allocation of the requirements to the software are gathered. Next is the analysis of the requirements. This involves the analyst understanding the functions of the software which is required for the system based off the gathered information. Then is the system design in which the analyst designs and finalizes the best suited design for the system. The difficult step of system coding or development comes next which is where the analyst translates the design and programs into code for the computer. After the previous steps next are the testing phase where the system is testing to see if it works as intended or not. Then is implementation where the system is given to the customer and feedback is returned to insure the program works as intended. And finally system maintenance is the last step, here the analyst insures the system remains working within the proper bounds and functions appropriately and fixes any problems. I think this relates to database development in a number of ways. One is how it starts, gathering information and finding the intent of the system. Next you must plan out how to set up the database, by determining the vital information. Then comes the minor details. You set up your database fill in some test information insure it works properly and make needed adjustments. Finally you implement your database design where in it works properly you merely maintain and fix any errors. 2. Look up â€Å"Requirement Analysis†on the web. What kinds of topic headin g do you find? I found headlines like â€Å"Business Requirement Analysis†, â€Å"Software Requirement Analysis†and â€Å"Five common errors in requirements analysis (and how to avoid them)†References Wikibooks – Systems Analysis and Design/Introduction- Open book for an open world
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Brand Sense/Marketing: McDonald’s Hamburgers Essay
Figure 1 This figure illustrates how McDonald’s hamburger is presented to the public. The picture looks so appealing enough to make people crave to taste how it is like when combining the fresh and nutritious ingredients together. The picture alone tells that the food is very delicious by its look, that it produces enchanting smell; and when a person touches it, its soft and thick bread would be enough to satisfy his craving. Analyzing the ads in view of the senses presented in the diagram gives the brand manager the criteria in assessing how effective the ads is in arousing the interest and craving of the people towards the product. In the same way, this also guides him/her to determine a particular sensory activity he would employ in a particular product. Figure 2 Using the twelve components in the ‘Smash your Brand’ philosophy of Martin Lindstrom, McDonald’s hamburgers communicate the true personality of the company. This principle applies the idea of uniqueness that makes the product relevant to its customers. This uniqueness is applied in various components as discussed by Lindstrom. The M shape icon and the McDonald’s mascot that represent it appear so customer friendly while the combination of yellow and white and a little red gives relaxing mood. Actually the name McDonald is an American folksong that creates an image as ‘plain folk. ’ In my opinion, McDonald’s will survive smashing because it communicates goodwill and friendly customer service in many aspects of services. ‘Smash your Brand’ as another device through which a marketing scheme is being conceptualized, is holistic in approach. For a marketing plan, using this approach is quite mind-numbing and tedious because in the first place this particular approach is done by the organization as a whole to impose a change in the company. Once the initiative is from the upper level, marketing department will also follow and will create a plan based on the set corporate goals. Perhaps, what could be done is basically orchestrating what the company is and what the company does. This is what it means by â€Å"communicating a heart. †Thus, this diagram will become effective only when the company has the message and identity to tell the public. Figure 3 McDonald’s hamburger is authentic because of its drive to perfect its product by making it real in terms of quality represented by the product’s color, simplicity of the images, richness in ingredients, and values explained in text (McDonald’s). Perhaps this authenticity testing is utilized or suggested by Lindstrom because it aims to measure the impact of the ads to the intended audience. As an emotional testing, its authenticity will help to enhance the customers’ motivation to patronage the product. The device is helpful I guess in order to strengthen the impact of the advertisement. Figure 4 To realize that a product meets another level of customer’s satisfaction is a good indication that the ad as well as the product is really tempting and alluring. In case of McDonald’s hamburgers as shown in an internet ad, the food is really tempting by its look; however, it becomes more enticing because the nutrition content will satisfy ‘my’ body. The level of understanding regarding the benefit of the product will heighten the interest of the person to buy the product. The emotional profile therefore provides another avenue in the advertisement that will make it more effective and convincing. Application Lindstrom provides novel idea in making marketing truly relevant to the needs of the people. These diagrams and models are useful therefore in conceptualizing and figuring out marketing strategies and action that will be appealing enough to cultivate interest to a lot of people amidst many competitions. What brand managers understand is that marketing does not rely solely on advertisement. It involves concerted actions and effort that aim to promote and to sell the product. The primary end of the effort is to increase the sales. Lindstrom conceptualized those models, which for him will facilitate the planning stage of the brand managers. However, the models require a lot of work analysis and sometimes limit the creativity because it tends to bind the strategies on the models. What most marketing managers or brand managers are doing is looking through some ways that will make their product unique from the rest; they do not limit any possibility. Regarding this, it is important to realize that branding is different from marketing. Branding is â€Å"about performance†¦ is a tool for delivering your business objectives: a means to an end, not an end in itself†(Barlow & Stewart, p. 17). It is therefore aims to bring the customer close to the product and not the product to the customer; the latter is the marketing job. Branding and marketing require two different courses of actions. Secondly, the brand manager must conceptualize what could provide solution to the customers’ needs and problems. That is the key towards identifying effective branding strategies. The best way to do this is conducting researches that will identify those needs. The brand must in the first place dwell within the hearts and minds of the clients. Third, after the courses of action have been finalized, use Lindstrom’s models to analyze the weaknesses and strengths of the strategies. With this suggestion, planning will become systematic and that Lindstrom will become useful. Reference Barlow, J. & Stewart, P. (2004). Branded Customer Service. USA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Lindstrom, M. (2005). Brand Sense: How to Build Powerful Brands through Touch, Smell, Sight & Sound. USA: Kogan Page Publishers. McDonald’s. http://cep. mcdonalds. com/qualityfood/.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Caribbean Culture
Caribbean Culture Assignment Write an essay supporting the following arguments. Essay 1: The emergence of culture in the Caribbean. ?Culture is often hard to objectively define in a study, but can be simplified as the body of people's expressions, values, meanings and artifacts that anchor peoples' identity. Caribbean culture is identifiably linked to the approaches to survival taken by her peoples. Discuss this statement critically. Essay 2: The intellectual contribution of the Caribbean. Education has forever been a priority for the Caribbean region.From the mass of the Caribbean population have come some of the world's best minds, creative intellect and imagination. The common heritage of a history rooted in exploitation and the struggle for freedom and independence have formed the foundation of an extraordinary commitment to education on the part of Caribbean societies over the years. While some may argue that the quality of education in the region is on the decline there is no d oubt that Caribbean societies continue to maintain education as one of their highest priorities. Discuss this statement critically.Essay 3: ? Caribbean Integration It will be recalled that the Caribbean islands were among the first areas to be impacted by early globalization, in the form of European maritime expansion. The initial result was the extermination of the majority of the indigenous population. There followed mercantilism, slavery and the plantation system, and centuries of rivalry and wars among the major colonial powers. This left a legacy of political and linguistic fragmentation that constitutes the main obstacle to regional integration. Discuss this statement critically.
Poverty Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Poverty - Coursework Example Impacts of Poverty on Individuals Poverty has significantly impacted the lives and properties of individuals in developing countries like Africa. Poverty in Africa has led to the increase of child labor since most children lack basic commodities in their homes. They resort to child labor because a majority of them are actually the breadwinners in their families as the parents are incapable of providing for them or their siblings. Child labor has no moral dignity because children who are underage are employed by employers who exploit and abuse them because of their lack of knowledge and inability to find other venues to earn a living (Blackden & Wodon, 2006, p.137). Poverty in Africa has also led to unemployment of individuals leading to a decline in the living standards. Lack of jobs within most of African countries has witnessed sufferings of many families as they are forced to work for minimal wages which are below the standard living. Lack of unemployment affects the lives of indi viduals as they resort to vices and criminal activities like robbery, prostitution, drug smuggling and human trafficking to earn a living and take care of themselves and their families (Brinkerhoff, 2008, p. 17). Unemployment in Africa has earned the title of the most unsafe place in the world, and also the title of the continent with the highest number of human trafficking. Human trafficking occurs to willing and unwilling girls since most are poor, jobless single mothers who are promised well paying jobs abroad only to find out the harsh realities of the said jobs. Unfortunately, because of poverty many people are aware of human trafficking but still risk the lives by gambling that they could miss a rare opportunity. Poverty in Africa is also associated with various plagues like substance and alcohol abuse, lack of water, food and social amenities like hospitals, school and infrastructure causing a rise in diseases and security among others. Poverty is escalates depression and str ess levels; thus, most poor individuals seek solace in alcohol consumption or substance abuse to forget about their worries or relieve the stress. The effects of alcohol on an individual can not be underestimated because it gives an individual a false judgment of situation or a position. The end results are increase in accidents and crime within the society, and the country as a whole. Substance abuse is also harmful to individuals as it destroys their health leading to deaths and disabilities among the addicts. Alcohol and substance abuse also leads to lack of responsibility of parents who in turn do not provide food, shelter, clothing, medication and education to their families. Water and food related diseases are common with the poor because they are not in a position to lead healthy life styles. In most cases, the poor are associated to diseases caused by lack of nutrients in the body like malnutrition. These diseases when not treated lead to deaths of citizens living in differe nt parts of the countries found in Africa (Jamison, 2006, p. 339). Poverty in Africa has also led to the migration of individuals into different countries. Lack of unemployment, which is associated to poverty, has caused many individuals living in Africa to flee from their counties with the intent of seeking employment in their asylum countries (Crush & Frayne, 2010, p. 54). Migration in Africa
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Historical Extension of the Federal Government's Power Over the Research Paper
The Historical Extension of the Federal Government's Power Over the States - Research Paper Example It attained this by prohibiting the states from infringing upon the rights and protection of the American populace. It also prevents the state from arbitral denial of the right to life and property without the due course of the decrees, and affords every individual within the jurisdiction of the state equal protection of the law. Over the years, the Supreme Court and the federal courts have adopted different interpretations of the fourteenth amendment. It is this reinterpretation, of the amendment, that has gradually changed the law of on the fourteenth amendment. This reinterpretation was reflected in various case laws that have been decided over the years. Barron v. Baltimore, 32 U.S. 243 (1833) This was the first judicial interpretation on whether the Bill of rights could limit sate powers. In this case, Baron had argued that the Constitution limited powers of both the state and federal governments, and proceeded to give the limitations on state power specified under Article 1 Sec tion 5 (Phelan, 2008). Marshal J, in a dissenting opinion, held that the Bill of Rights in any way did not limit state power, and if it was intended to limit sate power, it could have expressly stated so (Phelan, 2008). In his judgment, Marshal J applied the law as it was as opposed to what it ought to have been. He directly and strictly interpreted the fourteenth amendment to hold that it did not apply in limiting state power, but rather acted only to limit the power of the federal government. In informing his decision, Marshal J noted that the provisions that were sought to be relied upon were in the passive voice, as opposed to direct language, and the provisions under Article 1 could not be applied to limit state power. The use of passive voice, could not answer the question ‘by whom’ and it was thus incapable of determining whether the provisions of Article 1 were binding upon the states as well (Rosenkranz, 2011, 1010). Article 1, on which Barrron sought to rely o n, was framed in general terms, read passive voice, and could thus not be directly linked to limiting the state power because it could not answer the question; limited by whom? Had such provision been intended to limit state power, it could have taken a more direct tone. This, for example, could have been evidenced by the use of direct terminology such as ‘the state shall....’ or ‘No state shall....’ Although convectional wisdom may have dictated the fact that the use of the passive voice is ambiguous, Marshal J was undeterred in his stance as he applied the constitutional interpretation rule that the constitution ought to be read as a whole (Rosenkranz, 2011, 1012). In light of this therefore, if Article 1 section 9 were meant to limit state powers, then it would not have been framed in general terms. It should thus have been framed in a manner that answered the ‘by whom’ question. The logic applied in Barron is that when the Constitution seek s to limit power in passive voice, it is then limiting the authority of the government that it established. This logic is not necessarily correct because there is the horizontal dimension to separation of state power (Rosenkranz, 2011, 1015). If an interpretation were sought using this concept, then the court would have found that the Bill of rights could also limit state power horizontally. In other words, the strict application of the canon of grammatical consistency need not be construed so rigidly as to rule out flexibility in interpretation (Rosenkranz, 2011, 1016). Weeks v. U.S., 232 U.S. 383 (1914) This case sought to give an interpretation
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Globalization Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Globalization - Case Study Example Many things have conspired to make this trend a reality, primary of which is the constant push for globalization from liberal political theories that a â€Å"rising tide lifts all boats†as famously uttered by former president John F. Kennedy in one of his speeches. Another is rapid technology, especially in the areas of information and communications technologies (ICT) in which both geographic distance and time zone differentials had been shortened or compressed, in what is now called as a â€Å"flat world†where people produce goods and services continuously on a twenty-four hour basis. A very frequent theme of globalization critics is the concept of a â€Å"race to the bottom†in which manufacturers try to get the cheapest products made abroad at the lowest labor costs possible. These issues are the main concerns in this management case study regarding bicycle manufacturing. Discussion Super Sized Cycles is a little niche maker of custom-built bicycles intende d for big (obese or fat) people who are too big or heavy for ordinary and conventional bicycles. It is owned by Ms. Denizot and is in existence for barely five years already and operates out of the Burlington city in Vermont State in the United States of America. Her bikes are certainly not cheap, as these costs range from $699 up to $3,395 in price but these are built sturdier to carry overweight people and not collapse under a heavy load; the wheels, tires, seats, and steel frames are built much stronger than ordinary bikes. Sales last year was around $104,000 only. Mission Statement – Big Bikes for Big People at an affordable price of high quality Target Market – the obvious target market for this small niche-market manufacturer of big bikes are people who are obese or overweight which ordinary bicycles cannot carry as their big weight cause these ordinary bikes to either collapse or suffer a flat tire. There is now a sizable number of people who belong to this cate gory of overweight people as there is an on-going obesity epidemic in the United States of America due to changing lifestyle patterns, primarily the lack of any adequate physical exercise to burn off excess calories and the habits of many people to consume a lot of junk foods such as fast-food which are low in nutrients but high in bad cholesterol. In fact, this obesity epidemic is now so bad it is estimated that one out of every three adult Americans is considered overweight based on the body mass index or BMI which is the easiest way to measure if a person is obese or not (The Economist para. 3). Even children today are also markedly obese compared to kids two or three decades ago. Economists have considered imposing a so-called â€Å"fat tax†to discourage the people from eating too much junk food these days. However, there is another more positive approach to changing people behaviors through an activist approach which is to encourage obese people to be more physically ac tive through exercise. One of the healthier and more fun ways to do so is through biking and Super Sized Cycles has wonderfully found this viable alternative by offering to overweight people the chance to own a bike that is suitable for their size. There is a clear customer need for big bikes for big people who often cannot find the right bike. A generic business-level strategy for this small company for big bikers is to market exclusively to people who are considered obese based on their individual BMI. This is a type of focused strategy which means the company should sell big bikes only and nothing else that will dilute its strategy and make it lose its marketing focus. Examples are the two models that the owner had developed by herself (named as â€Å"
Friday, July 26, 2019
Issues about using an Internet service in Education Essay
Issues about using an Internet service in Education - Essay Example EFL classrooms for the children would be the point in focus because of its overriding linguistic and ethical issues. The paper discusses the educational search engines in general and its advantages and disadvantages. Stress is, then, given to EFL learner in an age group of 7-9 years and how search engines could contribute to their learning process. Finally ethical and moral dimensions of doing so are examined. Search engines are huge databases of web page files. It responds and takes the users to those web files they are looking for in the Internet. Search engines are particularly useful when the user does not know the website(s) where the information they require might be located. It is also widely used to find those websites of which users are not aware of the location. A comprehensive definition of a search engine is given by Teeler & Gray (2000): "a search tool that collects information from the Web by running an automatic program which visits huge numbers of web pages. It stores this information in a database and searches it by keyword when it receives your search request. It then provides you with a list of sites that include your keyword(s)." Search engines help people find information stored on other sites. ... For the search engine managers, once developed, this is an automated process with only maintenance and updating required. A user connected to the Internet from anywhere in the world can avail these facilities with an ordinary Personal Computer of minimum hardware capacity and an Internet browser. Two types of search engines exist. There are individual search engines that compile their own databases on the web and there are 'metasearchers' that do not compile databases but search the databases of a cluster of search engines simultaneously. Based on this, a wide array of search engines exists catering to assorted needs often in a specialized manner. For broad educational requirements Academic Info (, (, Gateway to Educational Materials ( and Library Spot ( are available with overriding academic focus and with their primary intended audience at the schools and university levels. Recognizing the learning requirements of the children a number of websites and web databases are available especially dedicated to them. Some of the prominent ones are Yahooligans! (, Ask Jeeves for Kids (www.ajkids), Berit's Best Sites ( and Surfing the Net with Kids Archive ( These sites are designed for young web surfers and are carefully reviewed, safe and recommended websites for children and contain literally all information that this segment of users need. Research is an important component of students' activities. Researching generally requires high access to a wide array of information. Furthermore, research usually is time specific, which is strictly enforced particularly to the students. Search engines
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Things which are Important in Our Lives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Things which are Important in Our Lives - Essay Example The ways that things make our lives more comfortable are countless. From the moment we wake up until we sleep, things are there make our lives easier. We sleep on a thing called the bed and wakes up with the alarm of another thing called alarm clock. Our breakfast would not have been prepared if not the convenience of cooking things in the kitchen. When we prepare ourselves either for school or work, things are again present for us. We dress in clothes appropriate for us and go to school or work in another form of thing which is a car. Even our place of work school is filled with things. In school, computers make studying easier especially the internet. Our daily lives are basically filled with things to make it convenient for us. Things also enable us to do a lot of things which otherwise would have been difficult to do without those things. I can concretely cite the example of a computer and internet without which studying and doing research would have been very difficult. If I have to do a term paper, I will have to physically go to the library and scour through the catalogs before finding the books and magazine that I need for research. After finding those materials that I need, I have to borrow them physically or copy the text if I am not allowed to bring the books at home. I would have to laboriously go all through them which will take a lot of time and effort. And even writing the report would require a great deal of effort because I have to manually type them. The thing called computer and internet releases me from those burdens and allow me to study better. I can scour through books and journals and other articles right in the comfort of my home. This is faster and more convenient. The information I c an find using the computer and the internet in minutes may take me hours if I will do it physically in the library.Â
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Recruitment and Selection Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Recruitment and Selection - Research Paper Example Hence, without the recruitment process, the link between employers and potential employees would not exist. Selection is all about how to make accurate assessments on the weaknesses and strengths of applicants when identifying the person who is highly likely to perform a task more effectively. An excellent description of what selection is all about is provided by Gatewood, Field and Barrick (2010) on page 307. An applicant’s pool may serve as a limiting factor during the selection process because if there are applicants who are not appropriate for the position, the probability that the human resource management team will identify the appropriate applicants is low (Gatewood, Field and Barrick, 2010). The illustration shows the selection process is all about organizations choosing between job candidates. a. The selection process extremely critical in a company is because of its cost efficiency. The selection process makes it easier for companies to operate. When a company hires an unqualified employee, the person may increase the losses incurred because of low productivity from such an employee. The cost of operating with qualified employees tends is more economical than the costs incurred when operating or training unqualified employees. b. Most organizations today are now under the strict observation of the 21st century litigious society. As a result, it has led to many firms protecting themselves against discriminatory lawsuits more critical particularly when the hiring process is ongoing. Hence, the selection process is important because of the legal concerns involved. There are laws such as the Americans with Disability Act which ensure that there are equal opportunities for all candidates during the recruitment process regardless of their race, age, disability, sexual orientation among other differences (Gatewood, Field and Barrick, 2010). c. Lastly, the selection process is important because it promotes screening tools development. The key goal
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE & COMMUNITY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE & COMMUNITY - Essay Example nd methods to use to reach their end in their faith, while in a little tradition, the practitioners are limited to each other and the knowledge that has been passed down from one person to another. A prime example between the two traditions can be seen in Catholicism, the difference between the Pope and the other followers of the religion. The Pope has studied it in the sense of the greater tradition - through books, training, and practice; the other practitioners, the ones that attend the church are those that practice the little tradition. The Pope practices Catholicism the way it was intended to be practiced, yet the church-goers do what can be informally considered "second best". There are those still that do not attend a church, but practice in the ways that they were taught by others, by traditions passed down to them. The differences lie with the clergy, the smaller groups, and the individuals. As there is very little distinction between the different ways that Catholicism can be practiced, even between the Pope and individuals of society, there is hardly a noticeable effect. Each person and each group practices how they are able to; in a way, changing the traditions is necessary, as it allows each person or each group to fully understand the finer points of their religion. Some people would not get out of books what the Pope is able to, so they work with what they have an easier time understanding. In the same sense, the changes are good - they help to bring people closer to that religion. When a person realizes that cannot achieve something one way, they improvise with another way that they are comfortable with. Many religions are seldom what they had originally been, owing to the fact that not everyone was fortunate enough to study it in the great tradition, so they resorted to what they
The elements of a Validated Contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The elements of a Validated Contract - Essay Example A proposal is an act when a person wants to do something or abstain from and shares this thought or idea to someone, thinking or wanting that particular person to act or think in the same way. An offer is a promise that bounds a person keeping in mind that all the terms and conditions are disclosed and accepted as well. It means that there must be acceptance of exactly what has been offered as a proposal. This is the first step towards making a contract. Such a proposal or offer when accepted, it becomes a â€Å"promise†. All these actions are based on the intention to make a legal relationship. Generally, there is not any intension to make a legal relationship in daily routine agreements. However, for a valid contract, the agreement or acceptance must be on legal bases. A person who made an offer can withdraw the offer that has been made before it is accepted. To make the withdrawal successful, the person who has proposed the offer, should converse with the other party and in form them in clear terms that the offer has been withdrawn, and it doesn’t exists anymore. Similarly the acceptance must be made and communicated to the offerer. ... An agreement without consideration is considered to be void. Consideration stands as the cause or reason of the promise. Consideration is an essential part of a contract. Consideration is also termed as â€Å"object†. The object must be lawful for agreement to be called as contract. As long as consideration exists, the law does not question about its fairness and capacity. Without this, an agreement is not acceptable or it is not treated as a valid contract. The consideration should not be illegal or impossible to perform by any of the two parties involved. A consideration is unlawful if it is forbidden by law, fraudulent and the courts declared it as immoral act. A promise is always made in return of a promise. That promise must be ethical and lawful. 3. Legal Capacity: There are some restrictions regarding entrance into a valid contract. It is necessary for both the parties of the contract to be completely able to respond to the contract. Both parties must be proficient of e ntering the contract and in case they are not able to handle the contract, then the agreement will not lead to a valid contract. Each party must be fully aware of all the rules and restrictions. Also it should be experienced enough to deal with the contract. In terms of law, a party should be of â€Å"age of majority†and â€Å"sound mind†. These words clearly mean that parties must be mature enough for the contract. There are mentioned some groups of people which involve a problematic consent and are dealt in a separate way under specifies rules for them. Such groups consists people like bankrupts, prisoners, corporations those who are mentally impaired. Capacity and consent of these people are brought into consideration while discussing such cases. 4. A legal purpose: In our daily life, we
Monday, July 22, 2019
Law and Morality Essay Example for Free
Law and Morality Essay J. M. FINNIS: Rules made, in accordance with regulative legal rules, by a determinate and effective authority (itself identified and standard constituted as an institution by legal rules) for a ‘complete’ community, and buttressed by sanctions in accordance with the rule-guided stipulations of adjudicative institutions. [1] NATURALISTS ST. THOMAS AQUINAS: A rational ordering of things which concern the common good, promulgated by whoever is charged with the care of the community. [2] SOCIOLOGISTS ROSCOE POUND: Law is more than a set of abstract norms, it is also a process of balancing conflicting interests and securing the satisfaction of the maximum wants with the minimum of friction. [3] WHAT IS MORALITY? No single definition can be offered to describe what morality is, but in general morality can be understood as a rule prescribing between what is wrong and what is wrong. It could also mean a value of the acceptable and unacceptable norm of a given society. Some reserve terms moral and immoral only for the realm of sexuality and use the words ethical and unethical instead of the word moral when discussing how the business and professional communities should behave towards their members or toward the public. [4] RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LAW AND MORALITY 1. The existence of unjust laws proves that morality and law are not identical and do not coincide. 2. The existence of laws that serve to defend basic values, law and morality can work together. 3. Laws can state what overt offenses count as wrong and punishable. 4. Laws govern conduct at least partly through fear of punishment. 5. Morality can influence the law in the sense that it can provide the reason for making whole groups of immoral elections illegal. 6. Law can be a public expression of morality which codifies in a public way the basic principles of conduct which a society accepts. [5] PUBLIC PROSECUTOR v MOHD ROMZAN BIN RAMLI[6] BRIEF EXPLANATION ON THE CASE: Mohd Romzan bin Ramli was charged under the offence of incest under the provision of section 376A of the Penal Code- a person is said to commit incest if he or she has sexual intercourse with another person whose relationship to him or her is such that he or she is prohibited, under the law, religion, custom or usage applicable to him or her, to marry that person; and was sentenced to six years of imprisonment and one stroke of rotan under section 376B(1)- punish with imprisonment between 6 to 20 years and whipping; of the same Code. The accused had committed the crime in between early January 2006 to 26th May 2006 in a room at his house in Kulai, Johor Bharu, Johor. To an 11-year old girl, Nurul Atikah bte Abdul Kadir, which is also his stepdaughter. In 2006, the girl was forced to undress by the accused and was disturbed sexually by him. He had done the disturbance to her several times. In addition, he threatened her not to tell anyone and had beaten her. Father of the victim, lodged a police report after he had noticed changes in his daughter after he had picked her from his ex-wife’s home. After medical check-ups were done by the doctor, the victim suffered from injuries in her private part and was treated by a psychologist. The accused pleaded guilty in front of the judge,Zawawi Salleh in the High Court of Johor Bharu, prosecuted by the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Husmin Hussin (Johor, State Legal Advisor Office). However, his sentences was changed to eleven years of imprisonment and three strokes of rotan, after the case was appealed to the High Court Of Johor Bharu from the Sessions Court Johor Bharu. The sentences were changed as it was unfair to the victim by taking her trauma and injuries into account and the public views about this case. OPINION/CONCLUSION In my opinion, the action of appealing the judgement made by the Sessions Court of Johor Bharu was a just and fair decision. Six years of imprisonment with one stroke of rattan is too little compared to the crime. According to John Austin, he defines law as a command given by a sovereign who may be a King, council or parliament. Such a command in his view is backed by coercion so that any person who violates the law, suffer the pain provided by law. [7] The accused needs to be punished for what he had done to the victim. The victim was just a little, innocent girl compared to him whose already old enough to think about right and wrong. Secondly, punishments for committed crimes are not only to punish the criminals, it is also as a deterrence to the public to not commit the same crime as they will be punished in accordance with the law too. Six years imprisonment and one stroke of rattan are not sufficient enough to deter the crime. As John Austin stated on why do we have to obey the law? It is because of the fear of sanction. Austin view is the fear by which the law, by its coercive power, strikes in the heart of the people is what makes people obey the law. If we remove the element of fear from the law, it would not be obeyed as there would be no deterrence. In other words, if a law is made without sanction, it would be disobeyed. [8] Lastly, after the High Court Judge of Johor Bharu sentenced the accused to eleven years of imprisonment and three strokes of rattan, only then, the justice can be seen. Bentham refers justice as maximum happiness of maximum number of people. [9] The public’s views on the case are also need to be considered. Minimum sentences given could cause an uproar in the society. Even Hart mentioned that justice is a shared concept; everybody wants justice seen and done. This is also supported by the aim of having law is to maintain peace and harmony. [1] M. D. A Freeman, Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence, page 178. [2] M. D. A Freeman, Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence, page 143. [3] Hari Chand, Modern Jurisprudence, 1994, International Law Book Services, Kuala Lumpur, page 205. [4] Jacques T. Ethics Theory and Practice, (5th ed. ). New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (1995): 3. [5] Basic Observations on Law and Morality. 10 September 2001. Web. 13 August 2012. [6] â€Å"Public Prosecutor v Mohd Romzan bin Ramli. †Malayan Law Journal, 22nd January 2012. Web. 13th August 2012. . [7] Hari Chand, Modern Jurisprudence, page 72,80,81. [8] Hari Chand, Modern Jurisprudence, page 74. [9] â€Å"Jeremy Bentham. †N. p. Web. 14th August 2012. .
Sunday, July 21, 2019
What Are Key Success Factors In Business Education Commerce Essay
What Are Key Success Factors In Business Education Commerce Essay Industry Environment: Presently, education industry in US is highly competitive especially due to the health of the economy. Numerous factors affect the brand name and ranking of B-schools, effects of privatization of education industry and globalization of world economy on business education. The shortage of highly qualified professors and the need to introduce soft skills into the curriculum while maintaining the analytical and concept-based courses. Bargaining power of buyers (i.e. students, employers, parents) has tremendously increased2. Students and businesses are looking for more than good rankings; they are looking to learn the most recent attributes or trends of their field. The courses at top MBA schools have been overhauled to reflect the changed business landscape. The old curriculum was geared to the slower measures of the old economy, and content were never updated. Todays MBA students dont want to pay for old-school curriculum but rather something that relates to today s market conditions. Competitors: Traditional universities and colleges that offer graduate business degrees in the area. Distance learning programs and On-line universities (for example Phoenix University) Top ranked Foreign Universities and business management schools (for example London School of Business) Training companies and consulting firms that provide hands-on training to company executives. Corporate learning divisions ( for example Motorola University) Customers: Students and their parents are the primary customers of the services offered by a school. Government sponsored students such as ROTC students. Legislators buying capabilities to increase national competitiveness and general level of education. Businesses that sponsor schools or sponsor their employees for advanced degrees. Employers that come in for campus interviews. Suppliers: Faculty and Staff members are the primary suppliers, as they are ones providing the service to the end user. Equipment and Service suppliers, People/businesses that offer specialized equipments to schools and colleges. Alumni, foundations and Government are also critical suppliers, they provide much needed funding to develop and grow. Complements: Location of Fordham GBA is a big plus; NYC is the worlds financial capital, a marketing and advertisement mecca and the fashion industry heartland of the world. Huge and diverse market of buyers and suppliers Presence of many multinational companies and educational organizations helps students and faculty get more exposure. Key Success Factors: Main success factor is to provide high quality real life knowledge and experience to its students. Providing community service and helping government achieve its target of providing better education and increasing competitiveness in the workforce. Having a good network of employers and alumni who guide students to become successful in their careers. Examine the firm. What are the goals and values of the business school? How is the business school structured? What resources and capabilities does it have? Are there capabilities that it needs to acquire/develop? The goals and values of Fordham are deeply rooted in Fordhams Jesuit tradition. Fordhams ultimate goal is to provide students with the conceptual foundation and technical skills necessary to make sound business decisions in a changing domestic and international business environment. Mission of college of business administration The mission of the College of Business Administration is to develop business professionals who can manage effectively in a range of leadership roles and who are equipped for continuous growth in the changing global environment. Located in New York City, the commercial capital of the world, the College of Business Administration is uniquely positioned to offer students the opportunity to participate in both regional and international economies3. Values Fordham values excellence in teaching and in scholarship in business education. Fordham believes in the freedom of inquiry required by rigorous thinking and the pursuit of the truth. Fordham stresses on developing and cultivating critical thinking and creativity. Fordham wants its students to understand different cultures and ways of life other than their own. Fordham wants to provide a place where students of different religions and background can interact with each other and with contemporary business cultures. Goals Achieve International recognition for academic excellence and unique innovative programs. To provide conceptual foundation and technical skill to its students. Attraction and retention of highly skilled faculty and students. To further develop connections with alumni and the corporate world. Curriculum focusing on building each students Personal Portfolio Structure, Resource Capabilities Fordham structure is currently setup to specifically address the objective of improving student satisfaction involves changing the organization structure of the GBA program. It is presently organized in a decentralized structure, offering flexibility to faculty and students. Each department is independent and enjoys autonomy giving the department head to decide their course structures. However, the faculty might be unaware of things happening in other departments thus reducing synergies among departments. Fordham enjoys the support of world class diversified faculty and staff. The location of campus is a big plus for the business college; it is in the heart of financial capital of World. A strong cohort culture among the students and alumnis creating a network effect for all the stakeholders is one of the important resource and capability. One the other resources students use is the Office of Career management for developing their resume and interview skills and to get hold of contac ts in companies. Various online groups on Facebook and LinkedIn created by Fordham students and alumnis are also beneficial to students and alumnis to interact and further their career. Fordham business school should work on its infrastructure which would help the faculties in providing actual real knowledge of business. Faculty and students should be encouraged to take initiatives that would help the college and overall experience of the students. How can the business school achieve a fit between the industry environment and the firm? What strategic changes would you recommend? Fordham Business School needs to differentiate the experience and not the education: Fordham has the advantage of location, being in Worlds financial capital. In addition to the full-time, part-time and executive MBA, Fordham also offers International Business designation, Fordham also offers a designation in: Entrepreneurship, Electronic Business, Global Sustainability, and Personal Finance Planning (Graduate School of Business). These special designation programs offer an edge to its students over other graduates and companies looking to hire new MBAs give consideration to these specialized programs. Overall the school is doing a good job to compete with its peers in the area and to maintain its brand, however the school management can work on certain areas of improvement. I recommend these strategic changes to Fordham to place itself appropriately in this industry: Flexibility in courses among various departments: Faculty and students should be encouraged to learn and adapt from new industry trends and use the latest high-tech resources to achieve those goals. Conducting research to develop the content of the degrees and skills of Graduates: Student should be encouraged to achieve an overall experience and write research papers, take part in competitions that represent business school. Encouraging alumni networking to build up relationships and to give new opportunities to students, graduates, institutions and companies alike: Business school should devote more funds and time to develop the alumni and employers network. Collaborating with the surrounding community and external partnerships to broaden the scope of the institution: Business school should reach out community members, other business school and other counterpart business schools in the area to develop better course programs. Fordham should host and encourage students to join meetings, clubs and organizations such as NSHMBAA and BHMBAA. Currently only few students are aware of these organizations, more exposure is required to students for overall development. Appendixes Fordham University Toward 2106: Integrated strategic plan, Competitive forces, Michael Porter, February 13th 2008, Fordham University: College of Business administration,
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Louis Armstrong: From Childhood To Adulthood Essay -- essays research
Louis Armstrong: From Childhood to Adulthood      When you think of Louis Armstrong you probably think of a jolly middle-aged man who can play the cornet like no one else, a man who had it all, a man who had the good life. Well, Louis was not always that lucky. From childhood to his adulthood, Louis Armstrong changed much as a person and a musician. He worked very hard to become what he became and did not let anything get in the way of becoming a musician. In this paper, you will read about how Louis Armstrong became one of the most influential people/musicians of his time.      Louis Armstrong’s childhood was not of the normal childhoods most of us have had. He had a very hard and painful childhood. He was treated very harshly by his family and the people around him. His mother did not even care enough to keep his birth certificate. That is why no one is really sure of Louis’s birthdate ,but people believe he was born around 1898, in New Orleans. Around Louis’s time of birth, many blacks were confined to live in the slums. The slums were in a way like ghettos. They were very poor, dirty areas where people who hadn’t much money would live. In the slums, there was much violence, drug circulation and prostitution. The only people that made any money in the slums were either the hustlers or the musicians. Considering Louis was not related to anyone of that status he and his family had very little money. That left Louis with no possessions whatsoever. He hadn’t any toys to play with, he didn’t even have a simple stick just to keep him occupied. His clothes were at the lowest of the low class. He was confined to wearing a dress as a younger child until he was a little older, then he had hand me down shirts and shorts to wear. His choice of foods was limited to rice and beans. His family did not make enough money to get better food than that. His family did not have enough of anything to keep him happy. He felt like nobody loved him. When he was born his father left his mother and him to start another life with another family. His mother always was out leaving Louis to fend for himself. But before Louis had lived with his mother he lived with his grandmother. His grandma took the best care of him out of anybody in his family. She always made sure that Louis was fed and that he was not alone. She was the only per... ...uch that he could not get his shoes on. Soon after that Louis was ordered to stay at the Beth Israel Hospital under doctor’s orders. After his final concert he returned there for the last time. He was planning another concert when he died July 6, 1971. Louis’s death was deeply saddening for everyone, but especially Lil. She conducted the band at his funeral in his memory. A memorial service followed which President Nixon attended and spoke at. That was the sad ending of Louis Armstrong.      To conclude my paper I would like to highlight Louis’s life. He was just a poor child from New Orleans. He had very little education. He had to take care of his sister and himself 90% of the day until he was and adult. He had to work twice as hard as most people have to worked to get where he got to. He was just a simple man who from the beginning just wanted to play music. But he got so much more than just that and was able to fulfil his life to the fullest. Louis Armstrong will always be remembered as a wonderful man with a passion for playing the cornet beautifully. At least we have his music, movies and television appearances which keep him a live to this very day.
Comparing Perception in Blade Runner, Memento, Three Kings and American Beauty :: Movie Film Essays
Comparing Perception in Blade Runner, Memento, Three Kings and American Beauty Throughout this course, we have seen a number of films that are quite different. These films are diverse in their subject matter ranging from the drama of American Beauty, the political and action based nature of Three Kings, the science fictional social statements on technology presented by Blade Runner, to the fragmented and contemporary techniques of experimental Memento. However, I would argue that all of the above mentioned have been linked by an unsuspecting thread, and I am going to demonstrate what that thread is here. These films have been tied together by a theme, of which I have written in past analyses of some of these films, and I choose to bring that theme forward again. I do so because I believe that this particular notion is at the bottom and the most imperative in all of these stories. The notion, which I am referring to, is that the world is what we make of it; that bad things, and good things alike, happen to us, but our ultimate view of the world as a good or bad place is determined by our choice to perceive it as one or the other. Blade Runner portrays this ideology in the main representation of the replicants. When Deckard first meets Rachel, he says to Tyrell "She's a replicant, isn't she?" Tyrell responds by pointing out that "Rachel is an experiment. Nothing more." This makes us aware that Rachel is a replicant with memories and emotional response and is not aware of her true identity as a replicant but believes herself to be human. Her memories are implanted memories of Tyrell's niece. So Rachel believes her reality to be different from that of what Tyrell and Deckard know to be reality. Whether their reality is truer than Rachel's reality is a point of debate. This relative reality changes for Deckard as he becomes emotionally attached to Rachel and then romantically involved with her. Towards the end, Deckard does not see Rachel as a replicant any longer, even after she learns the truth. More generally, however, Blade Runner presents a world of deterioration. It is a time when most of humanity has left the earth in order to colonize other planets, and all natural life is virtually extinct. It is a world plagued by acid rain, genetically engineered plants, animals, and replicants of course.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Creating a Modern-day Movie Adaptation of The Glass Menagerie Essay exa
Creating a Modern-day Movie Adaptation of The Glass Menagerie Dysfunctional. Codependent. Enmeshed. Low self-esteem. Personal struggles of the twenty-first century or those of the past? In his play, The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams portrays a southern family of the 1940’s attempting to cope with life’s pressures, and each of their own conflicts, after they have been deserted by their father and husband. In attempting to create a modern-day movie adaptation of The Glass Menagerie from the original play, a parallel element would still be conveyed to the audience- inner and intra personal struggles of the past continue to be those of the present. If produced in the present day, the new version would have seemingly subtle changes such as new speaking styles, characters, and sets that will allow it to become modernized. Some original parts of the play such as â€Å"dated†dialogue, character traits, and settings will be discarded, but the original vision of Tennessee Williams will remain intact by keeping elements essential to recounting the Wingfield Family struggles.      As director of the updated production of The Glass Menagerie, one would first have to look at the type of speaking style and dialogue as a means to modernize the original content. In the play, Amanda, the mother, is characteristic of a southern belle. Her language reflects the stereotypical tradition and the polite nature of a southern woman. Tom and Laura, in keeping with their...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Estimation of Production Function of Public Sector Banks
Project| Estimation of Production function of Public Sector Banks | | | Contents 1. INRODUCTION3 2. Methodology4 2. 1General Approach:4 2. 2Data Collection:4 2. 3Data Processing:5 2. 3. 1Nature of Banks:5 2. 3. 2Nature of Variables:5 2. 3. 3Assumptions in the treatment of Variables:5 2. 4Data Analysis:5 2. 4. 1Objective of the Analysis5 2. 4. 2Production Function Relationship:5 2. 5Limitation8 3. Data analysis and Results9 4. Conclusion15 5. Bibliography16 1. INRODUCTIONThe structure of the banking industry has undergone sweeping changes in the past two decades. In response to heightened competition from non-bank financial firms enabled by technological progress among other factors, banks have been expanding both the scale and scope of their operations, largely through consolidations. This merger wave coincides with extensive deregulation, which has removed restrictions on product offerings and interstate banking. These changes have motivated many studies. The estimation of bank prod uctivity and returns to scale is of particular nterest because of its broad practical applications and important policy implications The Banking Sector is characterized by multiple inputs and outputs that are associated with various attributes, such as different types of deposits, loans, number of accounts, classes of employees and location of branches. Transformation in terms of moving from high operating cost, low productivity and high spread to being more efficient, productive and competitive has been an important challenge for the banking sector in India.Recent years have witnessed substantial research efforts that have been devoted to measuring the efficiency and productivity of the banking industry. However, assessment of performance of banks has been a problematic one because of the unresolved questions concerning inputs and outputs. In the absence of any coherent definitions, researchers have used a variety of inputs and outputs, mostly based on an intermediation or producti on approach. The study of the Indian banking sector is of special interest for multiple reasons.Besides being one of the fastest-growing emerging economies of the world, India has one of the largest state-owned banking systems and generates employment of around 1 million people. Secondly, the vast network of around 70,000 commercial bank branches provides the base of the finance-led growth and development process in India. Thus the issue of efficiency and productivity of banks in India is particularly important. In the aforementioned context we define productivity as a concept that involves the transformation of resources into final goods and services.Production function is a function that specifies the output of a firm, an industry, or an entire economy for all combinations of inputs. It indicates the highest output that a firm can produce for every specified combination of inputs. This function is an assumed technological relationship, based on the current state of engineering kno wledge; it does not represent the result of economic choices, but rather is an externally given entity that influences economic decision-making. Almost all economic theories presuppose a production function, either on the firm level or the aggregate level.In this sense, the production function is one of the key concepts of mainstream neoclassical theories. In micro-economics, a production function is a function that specifies the output of a firm for all combinations of inputs. 2. Methodology 1 2 3. 1 General Approach: This section describes the general approach taken for the analysis of the Production function of the Public Sector Banks (PSBs) in India. A bank for its operation takes several inputs and generates several outputs. For e. g. the typical inputs are Employees, Capital for operation, Reserve & Surplus, number of Branches, number of ATMs of a bank etc.Its output is typically the Loan (Advances), Interest Income etc. Since Multiple Regression is used so the production outp ut is taken only one at a time. Also, only two input variable at a time is used, though several regression analysis have been done for different combinations of input and output to get the most reasonable and best approximate relationship. However, a bank uses any number of variables as input simultaneously. A bank measures its performance among other parameters on how much Loan or Credit it has disbursed in a fiscal year or how much Deposit it has collected from the customers etc.Though such data in isolation may not be a true estimate of the efficiency of the business because unregulated disbursal of loans may cause Non Performing Assets (NPAs) which will lower the Retained Earning of the Bank but since the report is concerned only with the Production function of the PSBs hence no comment will be made on this aspect. Similarly how competitively the Deposits have been taken will not be a subject matter of this report. The Methodology of the report is to be first gather relevant inp ut/output data from authoritative source.The data so obtained are processed and any assumptions made for their subsequent analysis is clearly defined. In the next phase the data analysis is done wherein suitable regression technique is used to generate the relationship between the input variables and the Production output. Finally the Interpretation is done to assign the meaning to such endeavor. 3. 2 Data Collection: The data for the Public Sector Banks (PSB) in India for the following variables have been collected from the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) official website for the fiscal 2004-05 to 2008-09: Deposits * Capital * Loans & Advances * Labour * Interest Income 3. 3 Data Processing: Nature of Banks: All the 20 Nationalised Banks including IDBI as well as all the Associate Banks of the State Bank of India have been considered for the study. Thus a total of 27 banks has been focussed from the fiscal 2004-05 to 2008-09 for their Production output vis-a-vis different inpu ts. Nature of Variables: For the Banking Sector there are few variables which are clearly treated as input variables and output (production) variables.Example includes Labour and Loan (Advances) as input variables and Interest Income as output variables. But their are variables like Deposits which are ambiguous in their treatment as either input or output. It is input because to disburse loan which is an output the bank requires deposits. It is this deposit which is finally disbursed as loan. However, Deposit is treated as Output because the performance of a Bank is measured among other parameters by how much Deposit it has been able to generate in a fiscal year. For our analysis we treat Deposits as Output/ Production variable.Assumptions in the treatment of Variables: 1. It is assumed that the cost of per unit Labour is constant and same across all banks. Thus we may take the Labour as a quantity across all banks as an input variable, without bothering about the variable wage rate for each labour i. e the Cost of Labour is a linear function of the quantity of Labour. 3. 4 Data Analysis: Objective of the Analysis The report wish to obtain the following objectives: * To establish a mathematical model of Production Function for PSBs in India. * To analyze the regression coefficients obtained vis-s-vis the PSBs’ input and output. To analyze the regression coefficients for specific banks over five years Production Function Relationship: To estimate the one variable Production output function for an economic entity the Cobb-Douglas Production Function is widely used. For the Banking industry the report establishes the relationship between the following input variables and the Production output variable: (A) For all the 20 Nationalised Banks (including IDBI) along with the Associate Banks of SBI, the following Regression Analysis is done across all the years starting from the fiscal 2004-05 to 2008-09. S.No| Input Variable1| Input Variable 2| Production Outp ut| Across Time Period| Banks| 1| Labour| Capital| Deposit| 2004-05 to 2008-09| All PSBs| 2| Labour| Capital| Advances| 2004-05 to 2008-09| All PSBs| 3| Labour| Capital| Advances + Deposit| 2004-05 to 2008-09| All PSBs| 4| Labour| Capital| Interest Income| 2004-05 to 2008-09| All PSBs| The number observations made = Number of Production Functions * Number of Fiscal Years for which the observation is made = 4*5 =20 (B) Specific to the Largest Nationalised Bank as per capital viz. State Bank of India (SBI) and the Smallest PSB as per Capital viz. State Bank of Indore (SBIndore) were taken for regression analysis separately. The merger of State Bank of Indore, the smallest associate bank of State Bank of India (SBI), was completed in the last week of August 2010, ut for our analysis we still continue to treat its data as separate from that of SBI. S. No| Input Variable1| Input Variable 2| Production Output| Across Time Period| Bank| 1| Labour| Capital| Deposit| 2004-05 to 2008-09| S BI| 2| Labour| Capital| Advances| 2004-05 to 2008-09| SBI| 3| Labour| Capital| Advances + Deposit| 2004-05 to 2008-09| SBI| 4| Labour| Capital| Interest Income| 2004-05 to 2008-09| SBI| 5| Labour| Capital| Deposit| 2004-05 to 2008-09| SBIndore| 6| Labour| Capital| Advances| 2004-05 to 2008-09| SBIndore| 7| Labour| Capital| Advances + Deposit| 2004-05 to 2008-09| SBIndore| 8| Labour| Capital| Interest Income| 2004-05 to 2008-09| SBIndore|The number observations made = Number of Production Functions * Number of Fiscal Years for which the observation is made = 8*5 =40 3. 5. 1. 1 Multiple Regressions: For modelling and testing of multiple independent variables (or predictor variables), Multiple Regression is used. Since it is for only single dependent variable (or criterion variable) hence Multiple Regression is not a multivariate test. The model for a multiple regression takes the form: y = ? 0 + ? 1Ãâ€"1 + ? 2Ãâ€"2 + ? 3Ãâ€"3 + †¦.. + ? And we wish to estimate the ? 0, ? 1, ? 2, etc. by obtaining ^ y1 = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + †¦..Where the b's are termed as the â€Å"regression coefficients†and ? is the error or residual value. For 2 independent variables we fit the data for a plane. The beta values are used in measuring how effectively the predictor variable influences the criterion variable. R2, in multiple regression is the square of the measure of association which indicates the percent of overlap between the predictor variables and the criterion variable. 3. 5. 1. 2 Cobb-Douglas Production Function: The Production of an economic entity may be defined as a function of its inputs. In a general mathematical form, a production function can be defined as: P= f(X1,X2,X3,†¦Xn) Where: P = Production or output quantityX1,X2,X3,†¦Xn = Input variables such as Labour, raw material, capital etc. f() = function defining the relationship. This function may be a L inear Function of all input variables. It can also be a Product Function of all the individual variables with each variables weighted for a corresponding exponent. The Cobb-Douglas Production Function follows the latter approach and is as follows: P = A. L?. K? Where, P = Production or output quantity L = Labour (the number of employees) K = Capital (the monetary worth of all machinery, equipment, and buildings) A = Total factor productivity, a variable which accounts for effects on total output not explained by chosen inputs. ?, ? are the output elasticity of labour and capital, respectively. These values are constants. We assume ? , ? ;lt; 1 so that the firm has decreasing marginal products of labour and capital. The Multiple Regression is to be done using the Cobb-Douglas Production Function, then the said function needs to be in a the linear form. To achieve linear scale the exponential Log of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function may be taken. Thus the following function is bein g used in the report for regression: Log (P) = a0 + ? *Log(L) + ? *Log(K) Thus the Input 1= Log(L), Input 2 = Log(K) and Output = Log(P) and Model Coefficients = ? , ? 3. 5. 1. 3 Return to Scale:Returns to scale refers to a technical property of production that examines changes in output subsequent to a proportional change in all inputs (where all inputs increase by a constant factor). If output increases by that same proportional change then there are constant returns to scale (CRTS). If output increases by less than that proportional change, there are decreasing returns to scale (DRS). If output increases by more than that proportion, there are increasing returns to scale (IRS). To summarise, it is as follows: ? + ? | Returns to scale| =1| constant| ;lt; 1| decreasing| ;gt; 1| increasing| 3. 5 Limitation * The correlation between labour expense and production across banks may be limited if the business model of the bank varies.For example banks who primary operate in larger ci ties can produce more with a smaller workforce because of greater labour utilization while labour in far flung remote branches might be under utilized and may not contribute to production that efficiently. Hence we assume a linear utilisation of labour. * This correlation is limited because as technology is increasingly substituting labour in banks so a bank with smaller workforce but superior technology can still produce more. Different PSBs may differ on this aspect of technological implementation vis-a-vis their labour. * Our analysis has restricted inputs and outputs to very few variables. There can be other variables although the report has included the most important ones for the study. * In analysis of SBI and State bank of Indore we have taken only 5 data points for 5 years. This may limit the authenticity of analysis. We have chosen only two input case to estimate the production while other inputs are collectively taken in intercept. * There is an assumption that the produc tion function follows Cobb-Douglas Production estimation. Other Production estimation methods like Olley/Pakes and Levinshon/Pertin functions are not considered. * In the regression model, we have not factored in any smoothing techniques. * In the analysis of bank over the years the data may be misleading,banks over the year may with better technology produce more with lesser input this effect will lower their economies of scale in the given analysis, this is a wrong conclusion 3. Data analysis and Results We referred the website of RBI to get the data needed for our analysis.A total of 27 banks were taken for analysis and the data for these banks from the period 2004-05 to 2008-09 have been used for the analysis. We used the Cobb Douglas Function for the models, wherein Q = A * (Input1^ ? 1) * (Input2 ^ ? 2) The production functions thus attained provides us a view of the overall sector as a whole for the following the outputs. 1. Deposit 2. Advances 3. Deposit + Advances 4. Intere st Income Further, we focussed on two banks, State Bank of India and State Bank of Indore, the largest and smallest in the sector in terms of capital, to understand the applicability of the product functions attained in the above study.Here, the data across the five years in the consideration were used to obtain the production functions for each of the input-output combinations mentioned above. The results have been summarized in the Table 1 below for the four different models taken for all the banks across five years and Table 2 for all the four models for 2 specific banks: Table 1: Case| Year| Intercept| ? ( Elasticity of Labour)| ? (Elasticity of Capital) | R2| Model 1:Input1: Labour Input2: Capital Output: Deposits| 2004-05| 0. 6431| 0. 7257| 0. 2440| 0. 9596| | 2005-06| 0. 8010| 0. 5535| 0. 4239| 0. 9802| | 2006-07| 0. 8944| 0. 5655| 0. 4017| 0. 9731| | 2007-08| 1. 2448| 0. 4426| 0. 676| 0. 9707| | 2008-09| 1. 2768| 0. 3591| 0. 5694| 0. 9685| Model 2:Input1: Labour Input2: Capi tal Output: Advances| 2004-05| 1. 0543| 0. 2347| 0. 6749| 0. 8900| | 2005-06| 0. 9721| 0. 1998| 0. 7609| 0. 9372| | 2006-07| 0. 9495| 0. 3228| 0. 6367| 0. 9448| | 2007-08| 1. 2994| 0. 2608| 0. 6275| 0. 9544| | 2008-09| 1. 2154| 0. 2486| 0. 6746| 0. 9641| Model 3:Input1: Labour Input2: Capital Output: Deposits + Advances| 2004-05| 1. 2041| 0. 4583| 0. 4768| 0. 9416| | 2005-06| 1. 2145| 0. 3679| 0. 5987| 0. 9695| | 2006-07| 1. 2331| 0. 4450| 0. 5174| 0. 9662| | 2007-08| 1. 5742| 0. 3575| 0. 5422| 0. 9663| | 2008-09| 1. 5500| 0. 3101| 0. 6157| 0. 9683|Model 4:Input1: Labour Input2: Capital Output: Interest Income| 2004-05| -0. 1461| 0. 5320| 0. 4036| 0. 9584| | 2005-06| -0. 0207| 0. 2972| 0. 6656| 0. 9610| | 2006-07| 0. 0246| 0. 3640| 0. 5843| 0. 9733| | 2007-08| 0. 3381| 0. 3250| 0. 5629| 0. 9639| | 2008-09| 0. 4347| 0. 2483| 0. 6411| 0. 9711| Table 2 State Bank of India| Case| Intercept| ? ( Elasticity of Labour)| ? (Elasticity of Capital) | R2| Input1: Labour Input2: Capital Output: Deposits| -3. 03105| 0. 978999| 0. 77501| 0. 976381| Input1: Labour Input2: Capital Output: Advances| 2. 773811| -0. 31806| 0. 972634| 0. 93499| Input1: Labour Input2: Capital Output: Deposits + Advances| -0. 37579| 0. 453894| 0. 852554| 0. 64079| Input1: Labour Input2: Capital Output: Interest Income| -3. 36783| 0. 872917| 0. 74153| 0. 996843| State Bank of Indore| Case| Intercept| ? ( Elasticity of Labour)| ? (Elasticity of Capital) | R2| Input1: Labour Input2: Capital Output: Deposits| 1. 693202| -0. 37172| 1. 310855| 0. 985134| Input1: Labour Input2: Capital Output: Advances| -3. 03629| 0. 124397| 2. 214496| 0. 938827| Input1: Labour Input2: Capital Output: Deposits + Advances| 0. 119414| -0. 21134| 1. 712892| 0. 966654| Input1: Labour Input2: Capital Output: Interest Income| 5. 081366| -1. 73671| 1. 552713| 0. 993676| The macro-economic factors in India definitely affect the performance of the banks.The various parameters like inflation, GDP affect the sentiment of the market in general, while the regulatory measures taken by RBI through changing CRR, SLR, repo and reverse repo rates effect a shift in the business outlook of the bank. Since these parameters keep on changing from time to time, we decided to have separate product functions for every year. This guards us against the negative impacts making an assumption of Ceteris Paribas in determining the product functions, where we might have a few more variables. But the correlation of those factors with the performance of the banks is not the motive of this study, and hence not in its scope.Also, while analyzing the performance of the banks, we have to keep in mind that, being in the public sector, their focus is not always on profit maximizing. Rather, the goal is often carrying out the social responsibilities like providing banking facilities at places where the venture might not be profitable, and hence not a feasible for the private sector to open branches at those places. Analysis and Results for the different models Model 1: Input variables: Labour (L), Capital (K) Output variable: Deposit The first graph below captures the variation in output with respect to change in labour and the second with respect to change in capital. A strong similarity in graph indicates that labour n capital can be almost perfect substitutes. If the graphs differ then they are not good substitutesDeposit is essentially an intermediate variable, here treated as an output. As expected, we see some variation in the results across the years. An interesting observation here is that the elasticity of labour decreases along the period under study. This is in keeping with the redundant labour created by the technical innovations of the operations reducing the productivity of labour. The policies of the Public sector bank do not allow them to reduce the input of labour suddenly. Also, the higher elasticity of capital for 2008-2009 indicates the mood of the market during the recession, where the safety of t he bank deposits looked better when weighed against the risks and lower outputs of other avenues of investment.The high values of R2 point at the stability of the regression through which the production functions were attained. As the sum of Output Elasticity’s of Inputs (Labor and Capital) as ? +? value is close to unity, it implies that the Indian Public sector banks are in Economies of Scale. This is consistent with the earlier economic researches which imply the banking sector in general is in Economies of Scale (Increasing returns to scale). Model: 2 Input variables: Labour (L), capital (K) Output variable: Advances Here, again, we see that the R2 values are high indicating higher stability in the production functions. An interesting phenomenon that can be noticed in these results is in the relative stability of all three parameters across the years.The relative variation of the coefficients across the years is relatively low. Model: 3 Input variables: Labour (L), capita l (K) Output variable: Deposit Advances Here, again, we see that the R2 values are high indicating higher stability in the production functions. An interesting phenomenon that can be noticed in these results is in the relative stability of all three parameters across the years. The relative variation of the coefficients across the years is relatively low. The economies of scale ? +? value is again close to unity and signifies that for all the different outputs there is an increasing scale of return. Model: 4 Input variables: Labour (L), capital (K) Output variable: Interest IncomeAgain, we see a clear trend of declining elasticity of labour across the years, validating the observation made in case 1. The relatively higher elasticity of capital in 2008-09 indicates the stability and optimization of performance of the Indian banks in turbulent global scenario. For each of the banks under study, the income under both the heads, Interest and other, showed a steady rise. Analyzes for Spe cific banks: State bank of India and State bank of Indore All the above mentioned four models of input and output parameters where analyzed for State bank of India and State Bank of Indore for period of 5 Years . The below graphs are a couple of sample graphs of the analysis . All the graphs of the analysis are attached below.We must note a very interesting trend in the economies of scale (ie the sum of alpha n beta) in our result. The economy of scale for almost all the cases in the initial four analysis is slightly less than or almost equal to 1 but it is greater than 1 both for SBI and State bank of Indore respectively. This means that when we look at the overall sector the banks of larger size have almost proportionally large output as compared to their input but both in SBI and State bank of Indore the increase in output is disproportionally larger compared to increase in input. The Data used for the analysis and detailed regression analyses are attached below:The complete set of graphs created for all the models are as well attached below: 4. Conclusion The study focused on modeling the Production Function for public sector banks. The regression curves obtained from all the banks that were considered for production functions for Deposits, Advances, sum of Deposits and Advances and interest income. The coefficient of variation was above 90% in most of the cases which reinforces the assumption that the level of capital and labour count significantly explains the variation in output level. The sum of ? and ? , the parameters of the system, is nearly unity. This indicates that the industry has a production which exhibits constant returns to scale.For the analysis done on individual banks (SBI and State bank of India), the values of negative value of alpha and beta indicate that the increase in labour or capital (as the case may) decreases the overall output of the bank. We have seen constant or slightly decreasing economies of scale across banks in any gi ven year whereas SBIs have shown increasing scale of economy (;gt;1) over the years. To explore this issue further we had done a few more regression for some more banks for 5 years (5 data points). The analysis has thrown up very interesting conclusion, the economy of scale fluctuates by huge degree across various banks and overall it is negative. This happens when the bank is already utilizing more than the needed labour or capital for its given capacity and any further increase in it decreases the overall production .It can be concluded from this analysis that although overall it may not be desirable to have a large size bank, it is desirable to increase the size of both SBI and State bank of Indore as here the incremental return will outmatch the incremental investment as they have economies of scale greater than unity. Our results have been consistent with the previous research findings which state that banking industry has economies of scale i. e. output more than doubles with doubling of input. It was also observed that sum of output elasticity’s of factor inputs (? +? ) was greater for certain banks like SBI and State bank of Indore. 5. Bibliography * Microeconomics, 7th Edition. Robert S. Pindyck, Daniel L. Rubenfield, Prem L. Mehta. * http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Banking_in_India *
Nursing and Health Care Essay
1. In 1200 B.C., the consumptive were treated with a mixture of somatogenic, prayer, and magic spells. Temples were wellness centers. From the 1st-10th deoxycytidine monophosphate initial administer was at the topical anesthetic bishops folk. They had deacons and deac unmatchedsses. In the nineteenth century, cherishs disturbanced for long-sufferings spot at the risk of exposure to disease. absorb in hospitals expanded in the 19th century, but breast feeding the communities did non affix significantly until 1893 when the Henry driveway colonisation opened and foc wontd on the wellness require of piteous people who lived in tenements in New York City. 2.3. nurse is the treasureion, promotion, and optimisation of wellness and abilities prevention of sickness and trauma alleviation of suffering finished the diagnosis and treatment of human response and protagonism in the cope of individuals, families, communities, and populations. 4. She saw the national a gency of treat as having charge of souls health traveling bagd on the roll in the hayledge of how to put the body in such a severalize to be free of disease or to date back from disease. She was the first nurse epidemiologist who connected poor sanitation with cholera and dysentery. 5. There were no tireds to helper control disease. Nursing was non a distinct traffic.6. Florence Nightingale-implemented methods to alter battleground sanitation, which ultimately reduced illness, infection, and mortality. Clara Barton- 1st charwoman to gain employment in the federal g everywherening body and is the fo to a lower place of the American ablaze(p) Cross and tended to soldiers on the battlefield, cleansing their wounds, shock their basic needs and comforting them in death. Dorothea Lynde Dix-School teacher, founded schools, advocate for the mentally ill, formed an array treat corps, and organized hospitals and ambulatory inspection and repair. bloody shame Eliza Mah wiz ardy- 1st African-American RN in the USA, frettinged with relationships amidst cultures and races, Cofounder of The study friendship of Colored People.Isabel Hampton Robb- founder of modern ANA and American breast feeding speculation, established sustentation for standards, turn out a grading policy, author of breast feeding textbooks. Lillian Wald and Mary Brewster opened the Henry Street Settlement. 7. Theories argon designed to explain a phenomenon such as self- misgiving or caring. A nursing theory is a expression of some aspect of nursing that quarters, explains, predicts, or prescribes nursing. It helps to identify the focus, means, and goals of class period. Theories spring us survey for assessing our endurings situations and organizing data and methods for analyzing and interpreting information. Integration of theory into design is the basis for workal nursing.PROFESSIONALISM1. Caring, Competence, Collaboration, fine thinking, Commitment to Holistic direct ion, Integrity, Responsibility, and right. 2. A profession requires a basic liberal theme and an extended facts of life of its members, it has a metaphysical body of knowledge leading to specify skills, abilities, and norms, it bears a specific service, members of a profession have self-reliance in stopping point make and habituate, and the profession as a all in all has a code of moral philosophy for practice. 3. LPNAssociate Degree in Nursing (ADN)- 2 category course of instruction that focuses on the basic sciences and theoretical and clinical courses related to the practice of nursing. Bachelor of comprehension in Nursing (BSN)- 4 year programs that focuses on the basic sciences theoretical and clinical courses and courses in the social sciences, arts, and humanities to countenance the nursing theory Masters Degree- is important for the roles of a nurse pedagog and nurse administrator, and it is required for an realized practice registered nurse Doctoral* Doct or of philosophical system (PhD)- Emphasize more basic look for and theory and research-oriented * Doctor of Nursing convention (DNP)- practice-focused and leave behinds skills in obtaining expanded knowledge through the formulation and interpretations of consequence-based practice 4. Caregiver- help enduring of ofs insist and regain health, manage disease and symptoms, and acquire a maximal level exploit and independence through the healing process. Advocate- nurse your patients human and effectual even ups and provide assistance in exert these rights if the need arises. Educator- explain concepts and facts close health, happen upon the reason for routine accusation activities, examine surgerys such as self- safekeeping activities, reinforce learn or patient behavior, and evaluate the patients progress in learning. Communicator- it allows you to know your patients strengths, weaknesses, and their needs.Without it you cannot give comfort and emotional support, light upon decisivenesss with patients and families, give wish effectively, protect patients from threats to well-being, ordain and manage patient care, assist in patient rehabilitation, or provide patient education. Manager- uses appropriate leadership styles to create a nursing environment for the patients and staff that hypothesize the mission and values of the health care transcription. 5. Licensure- Must pass NCLEX to receive license. This provides a standard minimized knowledge base for nurses. 6. Certified by national nursing organizations in about 20 specific areas of nursing practice. After passing an exam, maintain certification by completing CEUs.7. accord to Benner, an expert nurse passes through cardinal levels of proficiency when acquiring and developing generalist or specialized nursing skills. Novice-beginning nursing student learns via a specific desex of rules or procedures. Advanced Beginner- adjudge has had some level of experience, may be observational, but is competent to identify meaningful aspects or principles of nursing care. Competent- establish long-range goals, and has been in the homogeneous speckle for 2-3 years with an understanding of organization and specific care required by the type of patient. Proficient- Same clinical position for 2-3 years, focuses on managing care, and is qualified to assess an finished situation and can readily modify knowledge gained from multiple previous experiences to a situation. Expert-can focus on multiple dimensions of a situation and has an intuitive grasp of an animate or potential clinical problem. experienced at identifying patient-centered problems and problems related to the health care system. 8.9. Advanced Practice flirt with- close independent nurse, has outperforms degree in nursing advanced education in pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessment and certification and expertise in a specialized area of practice-clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse p ractitioner, certified nurse midwife, and certified RN anesthetist. Nurse Educator-works in the beginning in schools of nursing, staff suppuration division of health care agencies, and patient education departments. Must have experience in clinical practice to provide them with mulish skills and theoretical knowledge. Nurse Administrator- manages patient care and the delivery of specific nursing services deep d hold a health care agency. Examples assistant nurse manager, nurse manager, house supervisor, director of nursing, and chief nurse executive director or vice president. Nurse Researcher- investigates problems to meliorate nursing care and further congeal and expand the scope of nursing practice.10. field of study League for Nursing-advances excellence in nursing education to prepare nurses to meet the needs of a diverse population in a changing health care environment. American Nurses Association- improves standards of health and availability of health care, to foste r high standards for nursing, and to promote the paid development and general and economic eudaemonia of nurses. International Council of Nursing- promote national associations of nurses, amend standards of nursing practice, seeking higher position for nurses, and providing an international power base for nurses. National Student Nurses Association/ Student Nurse Association of PA- consider issues of importance to nursing students such as career development and preparation for licensing. Specialty Organizations- seek to improve the standards of practice, expand nursing roles, and foster the wellbeing of nurses within specialty areas. Publish journals and precede educational programs. 11.12. Problem-solving approach to clinical practice that involves the conscientious use of current crush evidence, along with clinical expertise and patient preferences and values in making decisions about patient care. 13. Ask a clinical question that is problem focused. Collect the most relevan t and best evidence. Critically surveil the evidence you gather. Integrate all evidence with ones clinical expertise and patient preferences and values in making a practice decision or change. Evaluate the practice decision or change. Share knowledge.LEGAL ISSUES IN nursing PRACTICE1. Statutory Law- written by state legislature and U.S. Congress-may be a polished or criminal offense. genteel laws protect the rights of individuals within our society and provide for fair and equitable treatment when accomplished wrongs or violations occur. Fines or community service and examples are malpractice or negligence. Criminal laws protect society as a whole and provide punishment for crimes, which are delimit as municipal, state, and federal legislation-felony or misdemeanor. administrative Law (Regulatory Law)-reflects decisions made by administrative bodies such as State Boards of Nursing when they pass rules and regulations. Common Law-results from judicial decision made in courts when individual court-ordered cases are decided-informed consent, patients right to refuse treatment, negligence, and malpractice. 2. national laws- body of laws that were created by the federal government of the country. Emergency Medical Treatment and diligent Labor Law (EMTALA)- when patient comes to soupcon department an appropriate aesculapian cover version occurs within the capacity of the hospital- cannot discharge or transfer patient until they are stable. The health Care Quality repairment come of 1986.Patient Bill of Right- became patient care partnership given out to patients. The Americans with Disabilities make up (ADA)- prohibits discrimination and ensures for persons with disabilities equal opportunities in employment, state and local government services, public accommodations, moneymaking(prenominal) facilities, and transportation. People with HIV do not have to disclose their disability. Patient self-rule Act (PSDA)-requires health care institutions to pr ovide written information to patients concerning their right under state law to make decisions including the right to refuse treatment and formulate advance directives. Patients records need to instrument whether or not the patient has signed an advance directive. For alert wills or durable powers of attorney for health care to be enforceable, the patient moldiness be effectively incompetent or lack to the capacity to make decisions regarding health care treatment. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)-protects individuals from losing their health care restitution when changing jobs by providing portability.These rules create patient rights to consent to the use and disclosure of their defend health information, to inspect and copy ones medical record, and to amend absurd or incomplete information. State Laws-Mandatory reporting Laws-communicable diseases, school immunizations, suspected neglect and abuse, legal underground provided to the reporter, ma y face civil or criminal action if nor reported. keen Samaritan Laws-limit liability and offer legal immunity if a nurse helps at the jibe of an accident. Nurse Practice Act- describe and designate the legal boundaries of nursing practice within each state. Scope of Practice-perform a procedure in which you have training for, distinguishes between nursing and malpractice. 3. RN-licensed and educated in nursing process and critical thinking trustworthy for who you delegate to. LPN- licensed but does not cover assessment of patient. Can collect data but must give to nurse. NA/PCT- not licensed 4. Standards of care are set by ANA and are the legal requirements for nursing practice that describe the minimum acceptable nursing care. Nurse practice act defines scope of nursing practice, distinguishing between nursing and medical practice and establishing education and licensure requirements for nurses. Internal-Standards defined within hospital. External- positive by ANA and TJC-acc redited body of the hospital-health department.5. Established to help accredited organizations address specific areas of concern in regards to patient safety. invest patients correctly. Improve staff communication. Use medicines safely. Prevent infection. Identify patient safety risks. Prevent mistakes in surgery. 6. Advance directive include surviving wills, health care proxies, and durable powers of attorney for health care. They are based on values of informed consent, patient autonomy over end-of-life decisions, truth telling, and control over the dying process. 7. Living wills represent written documents that direct treatment in compliance with a patients wishes in the event of a terminal illness or condition. The patient is able to affirm which medical procedures he or she wants or does not want when terminally ill or in a vegetative state. Durable Power of Attorney for health care is a legal document that designates a person or persons of ones choosing to make health car e decisions when the patient is no longer able to make decisions on his or her own behalf. 8.9.10. Negligence is conduct that falls infra a standard of care. Courts define negligence cases as the degree of care that an ordinarily careful and prudent person would use under the same or confusable circumstances. 11. Malpractice is a type of negligence and is practically referred to as professional negligence. When nursing care falls below a standard of care, nursing malpractice occurs. 12. Assault- any action that places a person in apprehension of a harmful or offensive involvement without consent. Battery-any intentional touching without consent. False Imprisonment-unjustified bulwark of a person without legal case and requires the patient be aware of confinement. slander of Character- publication of false statements that result in damage to a persons reputation. Invasion of Privacy- the expel of a patients medical information to an unauthorized person such as a member of th e press, the patients employer, or the patients family. Breach of Confidentiality-
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
A Surrogate Motherhood, Pros and Cons
A transposition Motherhood, Pros and Cons A deputy gravel means a woman who agrees to read a barbarian for a straddle who be babyless because of infertility or non able-bodied of having a child out-of-pocket to a keep down of physical dilemmas. The result engages artificial insemination method, whereby the husbands spermatozoon is transferred and the adoptive set out accepts it. That is why the alternate female pargonnt is still considered as the real experience of the child. til now, in case of gestational surrogacy, the married woman is masterlific but not competent of giving stick out due to several(prenominal) medical problems, it is called in-vitro fertilization technology.The wifes eggs and her husbands sperm are used and the resulting embryo is transferred into the uterus of the surrogate mother. The concept of surrogate motherhood is becoming really accepted federal agency of unfruitful couples to amaze a child of their own. Although it is an act o f love, it as well involves financial aid. Surrogate mothers are obviously paid for bearing a child inside their wombs. A couple who wants to call for a service of a surrogate mother must also consider the kind of record of the surrogate mother. We all drive in that the genes have large effect on the fumbles record someday.Another very(prenominal) important ground for the rise in surrogacy is the progression in medical technology. It is more ready and successful unlike other medical technologies available. However there are some authorized and chaste issues concerned with surrogacy that needs to be discussed. Legal procedure The process for becoming a surrogate mother is not easy. There have to be convinced(p) medical renders such as Hysteroscopy, this kind of test is done to make sure if fallopian tubes are put on or not, and physical conditions of the uterus is also fritter in consideration.Before the fertilization process, the surrogate mother should know her legal dexterityilys and in advance signing a contract, a service and a legal adviser or lawyer is necessary to make sure that the right of the surrogate mother will not be neglected by the couple involved. Ethical issues Surrogacy in coordinateation brings quite a lot of controversies, although subjects are ever-ever-changing with clipping. Some of them are the surrogate mother whitethorn decide to take the baby without the concern of the couple involve. Surrogacy could be considered as human trafficking. Percentage of the hostel that accepts the concept of surrogacy.Sometimes, guilt arise to the surrogate mother and the emotion enclosed in it arise when you least expect it. Especially, if there are papers and bills issue involves in the process of surrogacy. In spite of the authorized and moral issues concerning surrogacy, still it is a peeled hope for childless women and family around the world which they offer have through surrogate mothers. Deciding on Surrogacy Surrogacy m akes it possible for childless couples to have a child with genes from either one or both of them. This is why couples often choose surrogacy over ad survival of the fittest.Surrogacy is a operable option for couples when one is uninspired, when the woman may be fertile but unhealthy to bear a child, or for gay couples. ace of the disadvantages of surrogacy is the potential mad and psychological roller-coaster rides couples go through. Furthermore, they also have to look at with trying to convince family members and close friends that this is the right thing to do. The couples may take a while to task their situation and consider all the factors before they scum bag make their final decision, which lay round take a toll on their daily lives.Surrogacy is a very controversial subject. Some religious organizations forbid their members from combat-ready in surrogacy, no matter how desperate they are to have a child. Whatever the yard that couples might consider surrogacy, they must carefully weigh the pros and cons before proceeding. There are different factors that muckle who are considering surrogacy have to go through, from the time to decide whether they would go forward with it, to choosing the surrogate mother, the procedures involved, the fees required and the overall time frame.Each of these factors has its own pros and cons. Why is it that every time person mentions the topic of surrogacy, giant waves of powerful emotions come washables in from both pro and con surrogacy camps? One of the reasons is that surrogacy is balancing on a very lancinating ethical edge when mixing the perceived spiritual process of reproduction and having children with work and money. Many people believe that these two domains should not mix. Im neither pro nor con surrogacy. Im secure interested in exploring the philosophic and emotional dimensions of the ethics of surrogacy.I will now defer the pros and cons of surrogacy. I will not comment on them or judge th em I will just list them and then leave the opinion reservation of the ethics of surrogacy open. Pros Surrogacy allows a woman to give the hold of parenthood to a couple who would otherwise not have been able to experience it, either due to infertility or inability to adopt a child. In some cases, the surrogate can also obtain monetary compensation for her services. Cons Surrogacy involves a prolonged and medically invasive process for the surrogate mother.It can also involve guilt on the give out of the surrogate mother for giving up her baby in some cases, this guilt leads to the surrogate changing her mind. Additionally, there are a myriad of legalities involved. Having a surrogate mother Pros No physical ail of child birth. No pregnant belly existence in your way all the time. Still be able to work. Cons No experience of the full maternity first hand Constant worry about what the surrogate is doing. As a conclusion I want to give my opinion, surrogacy is a good way for s ome women to help others that can not have a baby.Before deciding to pursue surrogacy as an option for having a child, its wise for couples to spend some time considering both the pros and cons of the issue. Surrogate motherhood enables infertile couples to have children and fulfill their parenthood dream. Many infertile couples turn to surrogate mother rather than to adoption. The reason is because surrogate motherhood is a better form of alternative than adoption, as surrogate motherhood ensures the child is biologically related to the commissioning parents.References The ethics of surrogacy womens fruitful labor. Journal of medical ethics, 1995 21 345-349 http//www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC1376831/pdf/jmedeth00299-0027. pdf Ethical Problems border Surrogate Motherhood http//www. yale. edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/2000/7/00. 07. 05. x. hypertext markup language Wisegeek. com http//www. wisegeekhealth. com/what-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-surrogacy. htm
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